Friday, December 31, 2010

It feels good to end 2010 with the arrival of a new book!

An Aussie publisher asked to include some of my words in a new book, SISTERS: BOUND BY LOVE. I was happy to oblige, and copies of a most beautiful hardcover just arrived in my mailbox. The publisher is

Also, my quotation from NO FRIEND LIKE A SISTER (Berkley Trade 1995) is now available on a tote bag and mug from

"She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. 
She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, 
and loves you anyway. 
She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, 
someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. 
She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, 
even your shrink. 
Some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child."